10 Results for: (Concept:01197386-a)
61558 厚生省 收到 报告 着手 进行 1968年 废止 实地 实习 制度 以来 大规模 改革

Upon receipt of the foregoing report , the Ministry_of_Health and Welfare will embark on the first massive overhaul since the abolition of the hands-on training system in 1968 . (eng)

61816 并且 4日 开始 美国 联邦 议会 逼迫 克林顿 总统 进行 改革

Furthermore , the new US_Congress that has convened on the 4th is putting pressure on President_Clinton for the new reforms . (eng)

61819 共和党 逼迫 总统 实施 保证 财政 平衡 修改 宪法 福利 改革 时间 削减 1万亿 美元 支出 行政 改革 国家 改造 政策

The Republican_Party is also pressing for implementation of the national changeover measures including the constitutional amendment to balance the budget , welfare reform , a one-trillion-dollar cut in expenditures over the next seven years and administrative reform . (eng)

61819 共和党 逼迫 总统 实施 保证 财政 平衡 修改 宪法 福利 改革 时间 削减 1万亿 美元 支出 行政 改革 国家 改造 政策

The Republican_Party is also pressing for implementation of the national changeover measures including the constitutional amendment to balance the budget , welfare reform , a one-trillion-dollar cut in expenditures over the next seven years and administrative reform . (eng)

61820 金里奇 议长 明确 表示 议会 开始 第100 4月 13日 使 改革 实施 眉目

The Speaker has vowed to obtain a clearer outlook of the implementation of this proposal by April 13 , which marks the one-hundredth day since the Congress has convened . (eng)

61823 行政 政府 议会 紧张 关系 正在 成为 政治 改革 活力

The tense relationship between the executive branch of the government and Congress is generating the energy for politics and reform . (eng)

61825 并且 活力 使 美国 政治 一向 致力于 改革 产生 沿着 国民 意志 惧怕 改革 气慨

Further , this energy has been fueling the spirit that makes American politics always tackle reform issues as well as unafraid of changes to adapt to the wishes of the people . (eng)

61825 并且 活力 使 美国 政治 一向 致力于 改革 产生 沿着 国民 意志 惧怕 改革 气慨

Further , this energy has been fueling the spirit that makes American politics always tackle reform issues as well as unafraid of changes to adapt to the wishes of the people . (eng)

61838 此外 公开 承诺 医疗 保险 改革 逼入 难以 实现 状态

Additionally , the welfare reform that had been formally promised was pushed into a situation where it has become difficult to realize . (eng)

61844 派别 斗争 领袖 河野 作为 再生 旗手 推举 出任 总裁 如实 表现 自民党 危机感 大会 提出 重新 审视 基本 路线 强化 自净 能力 消除 派别 斗争 是否 引进 退休 制度 许多 改革 研究 课题

For Mr._Kono , who was not a factional leader , to be made the leader as the banner man of the party revitalization gave a true account of the sense of crisis within the LDP , and numerous issues to be discussed concerning party reform such as the review of the fundamental direction of the party , the strengthening of self-purification capability , the elimination of factions , and whether or not to adopt a mandatory retirement system , were brought up at the convention . (eng)

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