5 Results for: (Concept:01177314-v)
11573 I lived in that farm , where I had a room down below , and could get in and out every night , and no one the wiser .
46879 ' I was a boy in my teens at the time of my father 's death , and had never seen the Hall , for he lived in a little cottage on the south coast .
47293 As I looked from their windows at the interminable granite- flecked moor rolling unbroken to the farthest horizon I could not but marvel at what could have brought this highly educated man and this beautiful woman to live in such a place .
50992 Living in London - quite so !
60379 For the Filipino women who work long hours as live-in helpers , talking together in the Central_District is a precious break .

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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