7 Results for: (Concept:01152033-n)
60058 The Ministry_of_Finance , which has strong power and has come to be criticized as if they are " the root of all evil , " is required to divide its duties not only by other ministries but also by foreign countries , and almost openly discussed are the abolition of the Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs and the Ministry_of_International_Trade and Industry , consolidation of the Ministry_of_Construction with the Ministry_of_Agriculture , and privatization of the Ministry_of_Posts and Telecommunications .
60206 This principle substantially modifies the radical privatization by his predecessor , Anatoliy_B._Chubais , and attracts a lot of attention as an indicator of the economic steering in 1995 by the Yeltsin administration .
60210 In the Izvestia article Polevanov announced , " Privatization so far has been only one-sided . However , as day comes with night and life with death , privatization should be accompanied by nationalization , " thus demonstrating his opinion that privatization has gone too far .
60210 In the Izvestia article Polevanov announced , " Privatization so far has been only one-sided . However , as day comes with night and life with death , privatization should be accompanied by nationalization , " thus demonstrating his opinion that privatization has gone too far .
60210 In the Izvestia article Polevanov announced , " Privatization so far has been only one-sided . However , as day comes with night and life with death , privatization should be accompanied by nationalization , " thus demonstrating his opinion that privatization has gone too far .
60211 The Russian privatization policy was launched in October 1992 , under the leadership of Anatoliy_B._Chubais .
60215 Although Chubais tries to confront Polevanov 's policy of reviewing privatization , the latter is reported to hold more support in the Cabinet .

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