10 Results for: (Concept:01124508-n)
60052 With many young members in their 20 's and 30 's participating in the political world , a new era of " postwar politics " started .
60055 It seems that " bureaucrats " have become stronger than unstable politics .
60072 That will be the direction of the structural change of politics , the economy , and administration that Japan is now confronted with .
60076 We have seen a new year in with the politics remain confused .
60175 Dr._Brown also warned , " Another curtain will be drawn , between the East_European countries that join NATO and those that do not , " and opposed Mr._Kissinger'opinion saying , " NATO expansion is not reasonable in terms of strategy and politics , and we only have to warn Russia that in case it assumes an invasive attitude toward any of its neighbors , we will expand . "
61134 The end of the Cold_War presented a situation where any political party can come into power , and while Japanese politics has come out of its 38-year domination by the Liberal_Democratic_Party , at the same time , the new politics has lost sight of the " value " of the political objective to replace the dead-end politics of influence peddling , thus sending Japanese politics as a whole into an aimless state .
61134 The end of the Cold_War presented a situation where any political party can come into power , and while Japanese politics has come out of its 38-year domination by the Liberal_Democratic_Party , at the same time , the new politics has lost sight of the " value " of the political objective to replace the dead-end politics of influence peddling , thus sending Japanese politics as a whole into an aimless state .
61134 The end of the Cold_War presented a situation where any political party can come into power , and while Japanese politics has come out of its 38-year domination by the Liberal_Democratic_Party , at the same time , the new politics has lost sight of the " value " of the political objective to replace the dead-end politics of influence peddling , thus sending Japanese politics as a whole into an aimless state .
61134 The end of the Cold_War presented a situation where any political party can come into power , and while Japanese politics has come out of its 38-year domination by the Liberal_Democratic_Party , at the same time , the new politics has lost sight of the " value " of the political objective to replace the dead-end politics of influence peddling , thus sending Japanese politics as a whole into an aimless state .
61135 Social conditions show a mixture of only two extreme attitudes toward politics : pent-up discontent and avoidance or disenchantment .

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