10 Results for: (Concept:01123879-a)
61513 That determination sounds great , but what is more important is the substance of the bill .
100387 Both are great places to pick up a Peranakan outfit , snacks and homeware , and are must-visit establishments that help you learn more about Peranakan culture .
100563 Desserts aside , this joint is also a great place for main course meals as well .
100708 Plaza Singapura is one of the most popular malls in Singapore because of its simplicity and great location .
100797 do not miss the great fashion shows and parties as brands unveil their Spring / Summer collections , and be the first to set eyes on the latest designs and trends this season .
100860 The Mandarin_Gallery is also the place to relish great food .
100986 You 'll also find computers , health equipment and cheap fashion items in the stores , alongside tailors and other beauty shops , which makes it a great place to get a suit tailored or to get your nails done .
100995 Other than the great food that it offers , the restaurant also makes a deep impression with opulent finishing touches from designer flatware and cutlery to chandeliers and silk curtains .
101102 The thick dark sauce is often what determines whether a bowl of Lor_Mee is average or great , and it is made by stewing a combination of pork bones , eggs and spices .
101134 With its quiet and tranquil settings , Villa_Bali is a great place to chill - out with friends .

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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