3 Results for: (Concept:01119169-v)
60002 进攻 俄罗斯 南部 车臣 共和国 首都 格罗兹尼 俄罗斯 军队 三十一日 出动 装甲车 进攻 首都 中心 地带 总统 官邸 着火

Russian troops which advanced on the Chechen capital of Grozny , mounted an offensive on the central area of the capital with armored vehicles , setting several buildings , including the presidential palace , on fire . (eng)

60002 进攻 俄罗斯 南部 车臣 共和国 首都 格罗兹尼 俄罗斯 军队 三十一日 出动 装甲车 进攻 首都 中心 地带 总统 官邸 着火

Russian troops which advanced on the Chechen capital of Grozny , mounted an offensive on the central area of the capital with armored vehicles , setting several buildings , including the presidential palace , on fire . (eng)

60937 但是 去年 选举 波尔・布 特派 袭击 越南籍 渔民

Before the general elections one year ago , however , the Vietnamese fishermen were attacked by forces loyal to Pol_Pot . (eng)



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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>