7 Results for: (Concept:01099436-n)
11301 看到 已故 妻子 遗嘱 " 为了 确定 确切 意义 不得不 计算 遗嘱 那些 投资 进项

Who sent for you ? " (eng)

60276 焦点 美方 要求 投资 顾问 行业 进入 日本 国家 年金 市场 由于 问题 日方 提出 让步 方案 因此 人们 一时 认为 能够 一举 达成 协议

It was thought that both sides would rush to conclude the agreement , as Japan gave huge concessions to the US request to open Japan 's public pension market to foreign investment advisory companies , the biggest focus of these negotiations . (eng)

61191 民间 设备 投资 仍然 没有 起色

Capital investments in private sectors still remain dormant . (eng)

61270 项目 投资 2000亿 日元 进行 建设 2004年 开始 运行 目标

With a construction cost of approximately 200_billion_yen , they are aiming to begin operation in 2004 . (eng)

61586 此外 双方 承诺 缓和 解除 贸易 投资 限制 北朝鲜 刚刚 宣布 承诺 实施

Additionally , the relaxation and removal of restrictions on trade investments have been promised , and North_Korea has just announced such implementation . (eng)

61754 美国 弥补 财政 赤字 资金 一时 直接 投资 筹措 但是 渠道 减少 亚洲 [ 中央 银行 购买 美元 补偿 现在 短期 金融 市场 吸收 中心

While direct foreign investments were covering the US fiscal deficit for a time , as their volume grew less , dollar-buying by central banks in Asia and others made up for the loss , and now funds are mainly from borrowing on the short-term money market . (eng)

102977 这些 短片 主角 包括 知名 投资 大师 财经 评论员 吉姆 . 罗吉斯 足球 运动员 亚历山大 . 杜里奇 Aleksandar Duric

Featured residents include Jim_Rogers , a notable investor and financial commentator , as well as footballer Aleksandar_Duric . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>