10 Results for: (Concept:01086103-v)
60795 The defending New_York_Yacht_Club was racing the Liberty , skippered by Dennis_Conner , also known as " Mr._America_'s_Cup , " and the challenger was the Australia_II , skippered by John_Bertrand , representing the Australian_Royal_Yacht_Club .
60882 In the Louis_Vuitton_Cup there are also four round robin races , the difference being that in one race each yacht must race three times .
60896 Only one of the three teams belonging to the San_Diego_Yacht_Club in the US that are racing in the Citizen_'s_Cup , and one of the eight teams from five different countries that are racing as Challengers in the Louis_Vuitton_Cup will have the honor of racing in the America_'s_Cup .
60896 Only one of the three teams belonging to the San_Diego_Yacht_Club in the US that are racing in the Citizen_'s_Cup , and one of the eight teams from five different countries that are racing as Challengers in the Louis_Vuitton_Cup will have the honor of racing in the America_'s_Cup .
60896 Only one of the three teams belonging to the San_Diego_Yacht_Club in the US that are racing in the Citizen_'s_Cup , and one of the eight teams from five different countries that are racing as Challengers in the Louis_Vuitton_Cup will have the honor of racing in the America_'s_Cup .
60907 Dickson 's elaborate and daring racing tactics are a sight to behold .
60916 The America3 , looking for another victory ; Team_Dennis_Conner , looking to recapture the Cup ; and the PACT ' 95 team , a group of researchers developing America_'s_Cup yachts , will compete for the one chance to race in the America_'s_Cup .
60927 Originally , a research group concerned with America_'s_Cup yachts , they are developing and racing yachts as well as promoting an education program for junior high and high school students .
104163 Many visitors first impressions on Singapore were indelibly formed , courtesy of plasma screens beaming the awe inspiringly magnificent cityscape and streets , where the world 's greatest race drivers in their sleek engineering marvels revved and battled in F1 's first ever night race .
104404 Here , various dragon boat racing clubs have practices and competitive sessions during the weekends , and it 's a perfect place if you want to give the sport a go and get some hands-on practice

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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