10 Results for: (Concept:01082606-v)
60003 认为 俄罗斯 方面 已经 进入 控制 首都 最后 阶段

The Russian force seems to have reached its final stage to take control of the capital . (eng)

60052 三十 年轻人 进入 政界 从而 拉开 政治 序幕

With many young members in their 20 's and 30 's participating in the political world , a new era of " postwar politics " started . (eng)

60110 是否 脱党 最后 决定 参加 筹备会 人数 目前 焦点

Whether they should leave the party or not is uncertain , but for the time being , the most important will be the number of members who participate in the preparatory committee . (eng)

60208 作为 应当 回到 国营 行业 副总理 列举 能源 军需 产业 如果 外国 企业 能够 取得 百分之十五 股份 代表 进入 董事会 俄罗斯 国家 安全 保障 带来 直接 威胁

The Vice_Premier cited as domains to be re-nationalized , aluminum , energy and munitions , stating , " The acquisition by foreign enterprises of 15 percent of the shares in our country and authorizing their representatives to serve on boards of directors , will pose a direct threat to the national security of Russia . " (eng)

60459 关根 名人 做出 引退 英明 决定 之后 第一 名人赛 棋谱 [ 东京 日日 大阪 新闻社 独家 刊登 三五年 六月 棋手 参加 联赛 长太郎 金子金 五郎 比赛 拉开 战幕

Meijin_Sekine retired , paving the way for the first Meijin title match and a league tournament comprising nine shogi players began with a match between Chotaro_Hanada and Kingoro_Kaneko in June 1935 , with the shogi records carried solely by the Tokyo_Nichinichi and the Osaka_Mainichi_Daily_News newspapers . (eng)

60508 名人赛 登场 这样 下去 可能 成为 运气 悲惨 棋手 米长 好像 已往 败退 一样 展开 精彩 对弈 最后 终于 四十九 零十一 年纪 成为 有史以来 年龄 名人

It was Yonenaga 's seventh attempt at the Meijin title and it looked like he could remain the " unlucky " shogi player , but he avenged his past defeats with superb game development to win the title and become the oldest Meijin ever at 49 years and 11 months . (eng)

60538 然后 第二 挑战者 桥本 宇太郎 桥本 第二 比赛 关山 病倒 参加 比赛 因此 本因坊 昭宇 诞生

The challenger in the following tournament was Utaro_Hashimoto , but after Hashimoto won the first game , Sekiyama collapsed from illness during the second game and was no longer able to continue the match , thus ushering in the birth of Honinbo_Shou . (eng)

60604 连续派队 参加 比赛 日本队 战况 注目

Eyes will be focussed on Japan as it makes its third consecutive appearance at the Games . (eng)

60605 世界 体操 锦标赛 十月 一日 十日 福井县 鲭江市 举行 届时 来自 世界 60 国家 1200 选手 参加 比赛

The world gymnastics championships will be held in Sabae_City , Fukui_Prefecture from October 1 to 10 , with approximately 1,200 athletes from 60 countries participating . (eng)

60641 迄今 为止 表示 参加 竞选 只有 共产党 推荐 黑木 三郎 早稻田 大学 名誉 教授

A professor emeritus at Waseda_University , Saburo_Kuroki , recommended by the Communist_Party , is the only person that has formally announced his candidacy . (eng)

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