10 Results for: (Concept:01048762-a)
10005 It is perhaps as well that the facts should now come to light , for I have reasons to know that there are widespread rumours as to the death of Dr. Grimesby Roylott which tend to make the matter even more terrible than the truth .
10229 " When you combine the ideas of whistles at night , the presence of a band of gipsies who are on intimate terms with this old doctor , the fact that we have every reason to believe that the doctor has an interest in preventing his stepdaughter 's marriage , the dying allusion to a band , and , finally , the fact that Miss Helen Stoner heard a metallic clang , which might have been caused by one of those metal bars that secured the shutters falling back into its place , I think that there is good ground to think that the mystery may be cleared along those lines . "
10252 " But I have heard that the crocuses promise well , " continued my companion imperturbably .
60659 Tsutsui says , " Under current circumstances , there is no possibility that I would resume writing , " and " Well , I will have no alternative but to act . Please see how good an actor I will be in 1995 . "
61060 While that did make me feel a little better ....
61643 It is no wonder that the American media did not give him a good mark .
61991 If the results of regular monitoring of seismic activity and the like and the achievements of future basic research are put together , there may be a better outlook for predicting magnitude 7 class earthquakes such as the Great_Hanshin_Earthquake .
100034 Some good family restaurants which feature Hong_Kong-style_Wanton_Mee include Crystal_Jade_Kitchen and Imperial_Treasure_Cantonese_Cuisine .
101048 For the best of comfort and variety , head down to the Straits_Kitchen for an unparalleled and unique celebration of Singapore flavour .
101507 Food is also used for its symbolic properties , such as noodles for longevity , oysters for good fortune and fish for prosperity .

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