10 Results for: (Concept:01036383-a)
10103 英国 本土 长大 漂亮 男子 纯朴 正直 文雅 诚实 眼睛 清秀

He has a passion also for Indian animals , which are sent over to him by a correspondent , and he has at this moment a cheetah and a baboon , which wander freely over his grounds and are feared by the villagers almost as much as their master . " (eng)

100182 土生 华人 称为 海峡 华人 喜爱 菜肴 香味 口感 所有 品尝 难以 忘怀

This dish is a staple Peranakan (Straits-Chinese) favourite that is truly memorable for its acquired yet robust flavour and taste. (eng)

100183 传统 强大 力量 经典 菜谱 代代相传 终于 造就 正宗 土生 华人 美食

Strong traditions have resulted in this golden recipe being passed down from generation to generation, making it a truly authentic Peranakan dish. (eng)

100191 这样 烹饪 过程 可谓 脍不厌细 所以 何不 选择 土生 华人 美食 亲自 尝试 经历 重重 繁琐 工序 美味

Now that takes a lot of work. (eng) So how about rewarding the hard work by trotting down to one of several Peranakan dining institutions to try it. (eng)

100196 Baba Inn & Lounge 位于 人潮 涌动 实乞纳 餐厅 氛围 十分 悠闲 美食 讲究 因为 讲求 精致 土生 华人 菜式 要求 精心 烹调 制作 程序 异常 复杂

Located in the fairly popular Siglap area , Baba_Inn_&_Lounge takes on a casual air and yet , there is nothing casual about its food . (eng)

100198 如果 希望 海岸 体验 土生 华人 美味 那么 Baba Inn & Lounge 必将 带给 回味 经典 感觉

If you 've enjoyed your dining experience at Peranakan_Inn at East_Coast_Road , you will feel a good sense of déjà vu at the Baba_Inn_&_Lounge , a related establishment . (eng)

100386 可以 这里 选购 土生 华人 印尼 中国 风格 家具 购买 来自 不同 国家 优质 正宗 家具

You 'll be able to pick up furnishings in Peranakan , Indonesian and Chinese styles , as well as good quality , authentic furniture from a variety of countries . (eng)

100409 作为 新加坡 欢迎 土生 华人 餐馆 Chilli Padi 娘惹 餐厅 赢得 新加坡 餐饮 月刊 新加坡 托勒 杂志 赞誉

One of the more popular Peranakan restaurants in Singapore , the Chilli_Padi_Nyonya_Restaurant has won high accolades from publications such as Wine and Dine and the Singapore_Tatler . (eng)

100412 此处 众多 美味 土生 华人 菜肴 风味 难怪 餐厅 能够 获得 如此 赞誉

With dishes that exemplify the best in Peranakan cuisine , it 's no wonder that the restaurant has gotten so many rave reviews . (eng)

100584 可以 菜单 各种 当地 美食 新加坡 文化 多样性 中国 马来西亚 印度 土生 华人 等等

You can see a reflection of Singapore 's cultural diversity in the array of local cuisines on the menu Chinese , Malay , Indian and Peranakan among others . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>