4 Results for: (Concept:01025913-a)
60167 美国 一月 四日 共和党 握有 主导权 议会 启动 主张 采取 强硬 措施 议会 克林顿 政权 展开 攻势 必然 趋势

It is considered inescapable that the new Congress led by the Republican_Party , starting on January 4th , will assert a tough line against Russia and place strong pressure on the Clinton administration . (eng)

60170 共和党 实力者们 明确 表示 敦促 克林顿 政权 采取 强硬 措施

It has been revealed that leading Republicans plan to demand tough measures be taken against Russia by the Clinton administration . (eng)

60177 而且 明确 显示 强硬 姿态 诸如 允许 俄罗斯 北约 将来 以及 美国 欧洲 作用 拥有 否决权 美国 应该 冷战 胜利者 姿态 行动

The Republican_Party has also recently started to push harder line policies , insisting , " It is unacceptable that Russia has a veto over the future of NATO or the U.S. role in Europe , " and , " The United_States shall act as the winner of the Cold_War . " (eng)

62079 但是 车臣 军事 介入 问题 美国 较早 叶利钦 政权 强硬 政策 表示 理解 俄罗斯 内政 问题

But the U.S. showed its understanding of the Yeltsin government 's high-handed military intervention in Chechnya by referring to it as an " internal matter of Russia . " (eng)

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