5 Results for: (Concept:01003822-a)
100798 用餐 完毕 薄荷 舒芙蕾 高空 美食 体验 完美 句号

Then finish your meal with a mint soufflé to complete your sky-high gourmet experience . (eng)

101547 往往 舞蹈 完毕 参与者 已经 大汗淋漓 舞蹈 成为 理想 锻炼 形式

The speed of the songs vary , but as most of the soundtracks used for line-dancing slowly gather up speed in a crescendo , participants end up working up a sweat by the end of their dance number making this an ideal workout session as well . (eng)

102171 美食 享用 完毕 切莫 忘记 美味 娘惹 粿 以及 诸如 豆腐 之类 甜点

And remember to leave room for its delightful array of Nyonya kueh and desserts like the silky soya beancurd . (eng)

102193 用餐 完毕 海滨 款款 漫步 饱览 圣淘沙 城市 呈现 天地 相接 美景

After your meal , take a slow walk along the waterfront and enjoy views of Sentosa_Island and the city skyline . (eng)

102852 过去 这个 词意 美食 摆满 桌面 需要 小时 享用 完毕 盛大 宴会

Coined by the Dutch to describe Indonesian cuisine, Rijsttafel literally means “rice table”, which in early days, referred to a lavish feast spread out on a table that can take hours to consume. (eng)

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