3 Results for: (Concept:00982357-a)
61748 世界 货币 金融 市场 日益 一体化 资金 流动

International currency and financial markets are becoming increasingly integrated and the flow of money is both heavy and fast . (eng)

61884 据说 政府 地震 立即 设置 紧急 灾害 对策 总部 村山富市 首相 指示 采取 紧急 迅速 措施

The government set up the Headquarters_for_Major_Disaster_Countermeasures immediately after the earthquake and it has been reported that Prime_Minister_Tomiichi_Murayama instructed it to devise " urgent and prompt countermeasures . " (eng)

61905 关于 防震性 希望 重新 细心 细心 研究 迅速 采取 对策

We hope that issue of earthquake-resistance will be re-examined with extreme care and addressed urgently . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>