6 Results for: (Concept:00975778-a)
100421 Dedicated to fine furniture and lifestyle items , this posh mall close to Orchard_Road has more than 60 stores focused on such products and the latest homeware designs from leading brands like Philippe_Starck .
100906 This beautiful bloom has been encased in a stylish designer frame , making it a classy and stylish decoration .
101495 The posh St._Regis has an equally upscale brasserie to match in Les_Saveurs , an impressive restaurant with breathtaking interiors boasting a high ceiling and spectacular glass façade that overlooks a water feature outside the building .
102602 A majority of these shows will be staged at the classy Tent@Orchard at the Ngee_Ann_City_Civic_Plaza in the heart of one of the best-known shopping thoroughfares in the world , Orchard_Road .
102884 With its chic counter seats , open kitchen and dimly-lit , minimalistic décor , the Tippling_Club is posh and legendary .
104289 Shop , eat , play and relax is the mantra at Marina_Square , and you can do all this and more at this classy mall .

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>