10 Results for: (Concept:00967129-a)
10001 我が シャーロック ホームズ 手法 ここ 記録 いる 手帳 記さ 七十 あまり 事件 ノート ざっと 眺め みる 多く 悲劇 あり いくつ 喜劇 あり 多数 単に 奇妙 だけ どれ 尋常 ない 事件 ある

On glancing over my notes of the seventy odd cases in which I have during the last eight years studied the methods of my friend Sherlock Holmes , I find many tragic , some comic , a large number merely strange , but none commonplace ; for , working as he did rather for the love of his art than for the acquirement of wealth , he refused to associate himself with any investigation which did not tend towards the unusual , and even the fantastic . (eng)

10355 この 甘い 予感 我々 関わっ いる この 不吉 冒険 対比 感じ

To me at least there was a strange contrast between the sweet promise of the spring and this sinister quest upon which we were engaged . (eng)

10596 博士 熱愛 する 奇妙 ペット こと 忘れ

I had forgotten the strange pets which the doctor affected . (eng)

10664 一瞬 博士 奇妙 飾り 動き 始め から ずんぐり 菱形 もたげ 膨らま おぞましい 姿 現し

In an instant his strange headgear began to move , and there reared itself from among his hair the squat diamond- shaped head and puffed neck of a loathsome serpent . (eng)

11050 紳士 我々 ふたり 握手 交わし さて 腰掛けよ とき 不思議 記号 書か とめ

Having shaken hands with each of us , he was about to sit down , when his eye rested upon the paper with the curious markings , which I had just examined and left upon the table . (eng)

11105 さて いよいよ 奇怪 部分 進む です 週間 ほど そう です 先週 火曜日 です ガラス この ある よう でたらめ 小さな 踊る 人形 描か いる 発見 まし

" Well , now I come to the queer part of my story . (eng) About a week ago -- it was the Tuesday of last week -- I found on one of the window-sills a number of absurd little dancing figures like these upon the paper . (eng)

11225 つまり 相手 何者 知っ その 暗号 わかっ いる

For an instant it had crossed my mind that perhaps what she really feared was that HE might come to harm , for I could not doubt that she knew who this man was , and what he meant by these strange signals . (eng)

11254 ホームズ あいだ この 奇怪 帯状 見入っ 突然 上げ 立ち上がっ

Holmes bent over this grotesque frieze for some minutes , and then suddenly sprang to his feet with an exclamation of surprise and dismay . (eng)

11298 わき テニス できる 黒い 物置 小屋 台座 付き 日時計 あり 今回 不思議 事件 思い起こさ

As we drove up to the porticoed front door , I observed in front of it , beside the tennis lawn , the black tool-house and the pedestalled sundial with which we had such strange associations . (eng)

11342 そこ 身だしなみ よい マーティン 警部 白髪 医師 ぼんやり 巡査 同席 として 加わる だっ

The trim Inspector Martin , the old , gray-headed country doctor , myself , and a stolid village policeman made up the rest of that strange company . (eng)



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