10 Results for: (Concept:00948206-n)
60952 Due to Cambodia 's long war , the Mekong lagged behind in development and also remained isolated from such things as river pollution .
60974 The Mekong_Committee , formed in 1957 , was the first to devise plans for development of the Mekong_River basin in the four downstream countries Thailand , Cambodia , Vietnam and Laos .
60975 With the support of the United_Nations , European countries , the U.S. and Japan , developments such as dam construction on tributaries , basic data collection and general development planning have been accomplished .
60975 With the support of the United_Nations , European countries , the U.S. and Japan , developments such as dam construction on tributaries , basic data collection and general development planning have been accomplished .
60976 The fall of Saigon in 1975 , however , put a moratorium on development .
60978 At the end of 1994 , the process sputtered to life again when the United_Nations succeeding in mediating with a development plan establishing a separate Mekong_Committee .
61031 Social problems are arising as a result of lifestyle changes accompanying development .
61033 " The wave of development is spreading to China , Myanmar and Laos . The people who are acquainted with these social problems must relate their experiences to the people in countries now undergoing change . "
62005 We suggest that we find dangerous active faults , put a hold on development in surrounding areas and conduct detailed surveys .
62015 Earthquake countermeasures should be strongly promoted once the urban development policy has been firmly established .


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