3 Results for: (Concept:00925985-a)
101489 因此 新加坡 千万 尝试 一下 经久不衰 美味

Princess Terrace_Café also boasts a mean laksa that packs a punch , so while you 're in Singapore , do not forget make a visit to sample this ever- popular dish . (eng)

101512 特色 总能 留下 深刻 印象 诸如 福建 鸡饭 其他 当地 小吃 依旧 广 并且 经久不衰

The signature chilli crab and steamed cockles with a spicy dark sauce rarely fails to impress , while other local favourites such as fried hokkien mee and chicken rice are still highly sought-after , even after so many years . (eng)

102821 原汁原味 牡蛎 然后 新鲜 纯真 澳大利亚 鳕鱼 栗子 浪漫 餐厅 客人 经久不衰 选择

Begin your romantic meal with a tasting of oysters au naturel , then discover the fresh Australian taste of true cod and black marron , both dishes popular among the restaurant 's clientele . (eng)

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