8 Results for: (Concept:00880586-a)
109 我们 开源 世界 所有 没有 想到 同比 增加 用户 可以 有效 应对 系统 复杂性

60061 航空界 上层 人物 叫苦不迭 如此 下去 航空 公司 早晚 成为 第二 赤字 充斥 国铁 JR 公司 首脑 因为 交通费 住宿费 服务费 国内外 价格 增大 警告 人们 产业 空洞化 现象 制造业 不断 其他 行业 扩展

Leaders of the airline industry cried , " The airline industry will soon become nothing but the second National_Railways_Corporation , which suffered from losses , " while executives of JR companies are warning against the increasing difference in the price of transportation , hotel , and service fees between Japan and overseas , saying , " de-industrialization is spreading from manufacturing industries to others . " (eng)

60138 离婚 人数 九一年 开始 连续 超过 九四年 十九万五千 增加 七千

The number of divorces has also increased for four consecutive years since 1991 , reaching 195,000 in 1994 with the increase of 7,000 over the previous year . (eng)

60345 而且 这样 [ 香港城 数量 增加

The number of these Hong_Kong_Towns is still on the rise . (eng)

60349 多伦多 迅速 增加 [ 香港城 社会 造成 不安 因素 并不 那么 表面化

In the case of Toronto , the sudden appearance of Hong_Kong_Towns has not resulted in much social conflict . (eng)

61247 为了 培养 国际 人才 首先 应该 官民 一道 解决 增加 国际 公务员 问题

As part of the effort to cultivate more kokusaijin , we need to see more initiatives , with cooperation from both governmental and private sectors , to increase the numbers of Japanese international civil servants . (eng)

61486 其后 引进 自主 流通 制度 随着 政府 直接 参与 买卖 自主 流通 比重 增大 粮食厅 人员 削减

Later on , as the voluntarily marketed rice system was implemented and the voluntarily marketed rice in which the government was not involved in the buying or selling became more prevalent , the number of Food_Agency personnel has been cut back . (eng)

61742 墨西哥 货币 危机 背景 在于 进口 增加 贸易 赤字 增大 加之 国内 政治 稳定

The backdrop of this currency crisis in Mexico is the political anxieties in the country as well as the increased trade deficits attributed to the growth of imports . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>