10 Results for: (Concept:00849357-a)
100548 With authentic Sichuan cuisine , the art of tea and an elegant amb¬ience with a location set atop the UOB_Plaza in the heart of the city , it offers an experience that appeals to all senses .
100754 Discover an inimitable dining experience at Saint_Pierre , where the chairs and tables are elegant yet comfortable , the cutlery beautiful , and the service impeccable .
100831 The luxurious Resorts_World_Casino , with its blend of elegant interiors , captivating entertainment , sumptuous dining options and warm hospitality , provides you with the chance to play in style .
100878 The Peony_Baghooks are a fashionable accessory that can be used to hang your purses and handbags on the table , making it a useful and elegant accessory .
100905 RISIS has plated an elegant Mokara orchid bloom in palladium and 24k gold .
101177 One of Singapore 's most popular and respected Italian restaurants , Garibaldi is a fine example of a stylish Italian eatery modern , elegant and approachable .
101238 Besides its stunning view , Jaan also takes Essentialist dining to greater heights with elegant meal courses , adding surprising touches in taste and impressive life-like interpretations of museum quality displays .
101480 With plates like beautiful edible paintings , flawless service and an elegant atmosphere , Guy_Savoy will be an unforgettable culinary experience .
103803 Visit this elegant restaurant and enjoy one of Singapore 's best fine dining experiences today .
103943 Specialising in live seafood , this modern looking restaurant , with its elegant dark wood interiors , serves traditional Cantonese fare .

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>