10 Results for: (Concept:00825807-a)
60363 作为 亚洲 贸易 金融 中心 香港 迅速 成为 国际化 都市 一九九七年 回归 华裔 居民 关心 问题

With Hong_Kong 's place as the financial and trade center of Asia and its rapid internationalization , the ' 97 reversion is not only of interest to residents of Chinese extraction . (eng)

61324 迎来 过去 30 教训 发展 基础 为了 亚洲 世界 和平 稳定 建立 合作 关系 时代

With the lessons and growth over the last 30 years being the cornerstone , both Japan and South_Korea have entered an era to develop new cooperative relations for peace and stability in Asia and the world . (eng)

61327 希望 今年 时代 起点 期待 对方 自己 什么 共同 摸索 如何 亚洲 和平 稳定 做出 贡献 理念 政策

Viewing this year as a new milestone instead of expecting the other party to do something for them , we hope that both nations in cooperation with one another will seek ideas and policies to define what they can do to contribute to the peace and stability of Asia and the world . (eng)

61468 另外 今年 国际 形势 必然 动荡 日美 关系 亚洲 局势 内外 政治 刻不容缓 问题 堆积如山

The international situation will be inevitably turbulent again this year and the most urgent issues concerning domestic and foreign policies such as responding to the new Japan-US relations and the state of affairs in Asia and other related matters are accumulating . (eng)

61663 首相 主动 总统 亚洲 太平洋 稳定 秩序 需要 日美 安保

Prime Minister_Murayama , on his own accord , told the president , " the Japan-US security alliance is necessary for stability and order in the Asia-Pacific . " (eng)

61666 那么 安保 重新 规定 亚洲 太平洋 稳定 秩序 什么样 关系

In that case , how does our redefining the security treaty relate to the " stability and order in the Asia-Pacific ? " (eng)

61670 首相 既然 安保 亚洲 太平洋 稳定 秩序 相联系 起来 发言 应该 认识 远东 条款 关系

If he is not fully aware of this Far_East clause , it does not make sense for the prime minister to mention the security treaty in connection with the stability and order of the Asia-Pacific . (eng)

61671 难道 远东 条款 改为 亚洲 太平洋 条款

Are they trying to change the Far_East clause to the " Asia-Pacific clause ? " (eng)

61740 美国 国际 金融 机构 提出 180亿 美元 援助 计划 但是 市场 平静 波及 欧洲 亚洲

Even the 18-billion-dollar aid program put forward by the US government , international financial institutions and other concerned organizations has failed to cool down the Mexican market , which now in turn is affecting European and Asian markets . (eng)

61750 但是 问题 货币 稳定 不仅 限于 墨西哥 而且 波及 其他 南美 进而 西班牙 意大利 然后 泰国 香港 亚洲 地区

However , the problem is that this currency turmoil was not contained to only Mexico , and spread to other regions including other South_American countries , then Spain and Italy , and even Asia such as Thailand and Hong_Kong . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>