7 Results for: (Concept:00825089-a)
46573 So furious was he that he was hardly articulate , and when he did speak it was in a much broader and more Western dialect than any which we had heard from him in the morning .
47650 And now I pass on to another thread which I have extricated out of the tangled skein , the mystery of the sobs in the night , of the tear- stained face of Mrs Barrymore , of the secret journey of the butler to the western lattice- window .
101095 With more than 30 food and beverage outlets serving Western , Chinese , Thai , Indonesia and Korean cuisine , you 'll also be sure to find something you that suits your palate .
101230 The laksa 's versatility has allowed it to incorporate a Western palate in recent times , giving rise to fusion dishes such as the laksa pasta , which , although is not quite the real deal , is still delicious nonetheless .
102511 While the restaurant 's aesthetics are quite an experience on its own , epicurean diners can also look forward to a well thought-out menu with both Asian and Western options .
102834 Like most western plays , bangsawan performances often depict classic tales of love and treachery .
103054 Country Western and Latin music may be used during line-dancing to create a lively and fun atmosphere for this idiosyncratic dance form .

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>