9 Results for: (Concept:00825089-a)
62084 俄罗斯 处于 脱离 全体主义 时日 过渡期 克林顿 总统 西方 国内 变动 一一 过度 反应 明智 一定 道理

Russia is still in a transition period after getting rid of totalitarianism not too long ago , and President_Clinton has a point when he said that it would be ill-advised for the West to over-react to Russia 's internal change every time that occurs . (eng)

62089 根据 回顾 冷战 西方 俄罗斯 关系 处于 基础 原则 应该 民主 价值

In light of Mr._Schmidt 's statement and looking back on the relationship between the West and Russia after the end of the Cold_War , the basic principle must have been the " sharing of democratic values . " (eng)

62090 俄罗斯 接受 西方 同等 价值 体系 尊重 基本 人权 承认 政治 复数主义 立足于 市场 原理 自由 经济 活动 置于 建设 国家 基础

Russia will accept the value system comparable to that of the West including the respect for basic human rights , recognition of political pluralism , and free economic enterprise based on the market principle as the foundation of the new country . (eng)

62091 就是说 条件 西方 援助 俄罗斯 再生

Contingent on the foregoing , it was agreed that the West would provide assistance to Russia 's rebirth . (eng)

62094 包括 日本 在内 西方 国家 支援 俄罗斯 资金 国民 血汗

Including Japan , the source of assistance from the West to Russia is taxpayers ' money . (eng)

62097 不论 什么 总之 西方 国家 不得不 继续 支援 俄罗斯 叶利钦 政权 目空 一切 结果 应该 俄罗斯 国民 有利

Letting the Yeltsin government get away with it as " no matter what we do , the West has no choice but to continue supporting Russia " will be doing disservice to the Russian people in the end . (eng)

101486 近年来 叻沙 灵活性 多样性 使 西式 口味 融入 其中 叻沙 尽管 形成 正式 仍然 十分 美味

The laksa 's versatility has allowed it to incorporate a Western palate in recent times , giving rise to fusion dishes such as the laksa pasta , which , although is not quite the real deal , is still delicious nonetheless . (eng)

101545 排舞 通常 采用 西方 乡村 音乐 拉丁 舞曲 舞蹈 形式 营造 活泼 生动 富于 趣味 风格

Country Western and Latin music may be used during line-dancing to create a lively and fun atmosphere for this idiosyncratic dance form . (eng)

101720 中秋节 传统 家人 团圆 类似 西方 感恩节

Much like a thanksgiving , it is an important occasion that is spent with family and friends . (eng)

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