10 Results for: (Concept:00793037-v)
60024 没有 考虑 召开 通常 国会 之前 改组 内阁

I do not plan to carry out a reshuffling of the Cabinet before summoning the ordinary session of the Diet . (eng)

60104 [ 民联 激进派 主张 通常 国会 召开 之前 组建 新党

Radicals of the New_Democratic_League asserted that the new party should be established before summoning an ordinary session of the Diet . (eng)

60109 山花 认为 一旦 国会 召开 进行 预算 审议 统一 地方 选举 组建 新党 因此 通常 国会 召开 之前 独自 组成 新党 筹备会

Several members , including Yamahana consider that they will form a preparatory committee for their own new party before the summoning of an ordinary session of the Diet , because they are afraid that " the formation of the new party may be postponed after the next session of the Diet , followed by budget debates and the unified local elections . " (eng)

60109 山花 认为 一旦 国会 召开 进行 预算 审议 统一 地方 选举 组建 新党 因此 通常 国会 召开 之前 独自 组成 新党 筹备会

Several members , including Yamahana consider that they will form a preparatory committee for their own new party before the summoning of an ordinary session of the Diet , because they are afraid that " the formation of the new party may be postponed after the next session of the Diet , followed by budget debates and the unified local elections . " (eng)

60116 [ 亚太 经合 组织 今年 五月 即将 汉城 召开 信息 通信 部长们 参加 APEC 信息 首脑 会议

The Asia_Pacific_Economic_Cooperation forum will hold an " APEC_Information_Summit " in May this year , gathering the ministers in charge of information and communications in Seoul . (eng)

60118 为了 完善 多媒体 时代 目标 亚太 信息 通信 基础 设施 根据 扩充 光纤网 信息 通信 标准化 公共 领域 信息化 广泛 内容 进行 协商 方针 今后 召开 例行 会议 发挥 推进 [ 亚太 地区 信息化 指挥塔 作用

At the summit , the ministers will talk about diverse issues , including the development of an optical fiber network , standardization of information communications , and digitization of the public sector , aiming at the establishment of an information and communications infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific region in the multi-media age , and this summit is planned to be held annually afterwards , taking the initiative in the promotion of information technology in the region . (eng)

60122 九四年 十一月 印尼 召开 APEC 非正式 首脑 会议 韩国 总统 金泳三 私下 提出 召开 信息 首脑 会议 事宜 公开 采纳 因此 载入 会议 结束 发表 茂物 宣言

The Information_Summit was privately suggested by South_Korean_President_Kim_Young-sam at the unofficial APEC summit meeting in Indonesia in December 1994 , but it was neither published nor contained in the Bogor declaration , which was released after the meeting ended . (eng)

60123 目前 [ 韩国 政府 私下 研究 有关 议题 预定 今年 二月 中旬 福冈 召开 APEC 高级 事务级 会议 韩国 方面 提出 具体 方案

The ROK government is now preparing the agenda off-stage , and will present practical suggestions at the senior-official level APEC meeting in Fukuoka in the middle of February . (eng)

60275 美国 西雅图 召开 日美 经济 协商 包括 金融 服务 领域 在内 三十日 具体 内容 没有 达成 协议 情况 结束 日程 最后 结论 留待 明年

The financial services negotiations of the Japan-US_Framework_for_New_Economic_Partnership in Seattle closed on the 30th with specifics undecided , carrying the end result over to new year 's meeting . (eng)

60645 铃木俊 知事 表明 主动 辞去 职务 新进党 迄今 召开 包括 原公明 民社党 在内 东京都 选出 国会 议员 会议

Since Shun'ichi_Suzuki , the current governor , announced his intention to resign , the New_Frontier_Party has held four meetings of Diet members elected from Tokyo , including those who used to belong the Komeito_Party and the Democratic_Socialist_Party . (eng)

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