10 Results for: (Concept:00770480-a)
60263 US Secretary_of_Transportation_Federico_Pena , who visited Taiwan in December , requested the Taiwanese government to let the US take part in the direct traffic when realized .
60265 Though Taiwanese authorities use this issue as political leverage , saying , " Taiwan will not approve the direct traffic until China changes its anti-Taiwan policy , " the business world is calling for the direct traffic for cost reduction .
60266 With the Cabinet reshuffle in Taiwan at the end of last year , Xiao_Wan_Chang , an advocate of the direct service , was appointed as the minister in charge of Taiwan 's policy toward China .
60267 Many people have a view that the US made the move judging that the direct service will be realized soon .
60268 Though China , opposing Pena 's visit to Taiwan , rejected his visit , which was originally scheduled in January , it is China that wants the direct service the most .
60269 The move of the US , which makes the direct transportation more likely , is also beneficial for China .
61141 Additionally , have we misplaced the mechanism where , unlike the bureaucratic institution , people can have direct control over politics ?
61289 As they may have been waiting to see Europe 's specific demand on Japan and what the US would do first , there were no in-depth discussions at the meeting of the Accelerator_Science_Subcommittee_of_Academic_Committee_of_the_Science_Council in the Ministry_of_Education , and the experts who had direct dealings with accelerators approved of the participation among themselves .
61754 While direct foreign investments were covering the US fiscal deficit for a time , as their volume grew less , dollar-buying by central banks in Asia and others made up for the loss , and now funds are mainly from borrowing on the short-term money market .
61809 Needles to say , direct import of the American system would not solve the problem .

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