8 Results for: (Concept:00765649-v)
46673 I remember that he refused to accept any settlement from Sir Charles , though he pressed it upon him . '
49066 Partly also from his professional caution , which urged him never to take any chances .
61260 It has long been said that " Japanese tend to be ' faceless ' and to lack individuality , " but from now on in international society we will no doubt be pressed , whether we like it or not , to become more self-assertive .
61505 The Special_Advisory_Council pressed the government to address the issue of decentralization since " promoting decentralization and establishing local autonomy are the inescapable demands of the present day . "
61715 On the eve of the real kick-off of the spring labor offensive , we urge both labor and management to make efforts to create such a society .
61859 We have to make sure it to be strongly pointed out that the specific measures to thoroughly clean up the party 's money-oriented and corrupt status and to reinforce the self-purification capability that President_Kono had urged have been practically left untouched .
62074 We urge the government to handle emergency response measures with the supplementary budget and work on the full-scale safety improvement of the Japanese archipelago by revising the 1995 annual budget .
110166 ( Give it to him , Captain , urged the half - cast of Cubanese and Portuguese , I ’ve got three cigarette lighters in my store , even if they do n’t have wicks . )


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