4 Results for: (Concept:00733297-a)
100573 其它 广 欢迎 饭食 面食 包括 牛肉 咸鱼

Other favourite rice and noodle dishes include crispy noodles with beef and fried rice with salted fish . (eng)

101172 2004 开业 以来 Hanabi 焰火 日式 餐厅 凭借 菜品 广泛 价格 实惠 点菜 自助餐 发展 广 欢迎 家族 餐厅

Since its opening in 2004, Hanabi (meaning “fireworks”) Japanese Restaurant has since evolved into a popular family restaurant known for its extensive and affordable ala-carte buffet. (eng)

101280 各色 点心 同样 广 欢迎 蛋挞 萝卜糕 鱼片 云吞 美食 御宝 餐馆 可谓 享用 周日 午餐 绝佳 去处

Also known for their extensive dim sum menu , which includes treats such as baked egg tarts , pan-fried carrot cake , sliced fish congee and Wonton_Mee , Imperial_Treasure_Cantonese_Cuisine is a great place for Sunday brunch . (eng)

101758 这些 广 欢迎 演出 门票 抢购 一空 今年 不会 例外 证明 马赛克 音乐 越来越 受到 人们 欢迎

Tickets for highly sought-after performances in its line-up always sell out quickly ; a testament to the festival 's ever-growing popularity . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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