4 Results for: (Concept:00720212-a)
60829 第十七 杯赛 开始 使用 12 规定 进行 比赛

From the 17th America_'s_Cup , competitions with regulated 12 meter-class yachts began . (eng)

61330 委员长 桑特 完成 马约 明文 规定 经济 货币 同盟 政治 同盟 目标 但是 继承 欧洲 总统 绰号 强烈 个性 推进 统一 德罗尔 体制 前途 坎坷

The incoming President_Santer will aim to complete the economic and monetary union as well as political union , advocated by the Maastricht_Treaty , but the road ahead will be rocky for the new administration succeeding Mr._Delors , dubbed the " President of Europe , " who has a strong personality and had pushed forward with unification . (eng)

61542 学校 教育法 施行 规则 附表 规定 学校 上课 时数

The number of class hours is defined in the appendix of the Enforcement_Regulations_of_the_School_Education_Law . (eng)

61884 据说 政府 地震 立即 设置 紧急 灾害 对策 总部 村山富市 首相 指示 采取 紧急 迅速 措施

The government set up the Headquarters_for_Major_Disaster_Countermeasures immediately after the earthquake and it has been reported that Prime_Minister_Tomiichi_Murayama instructed it to devise " urgent and prompt countermeasures . " (eng)

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