2 Results for: (Concept:00706455-a)
100592 丰盛 肉类 菜式 以及 开胃 面条 闽南 部分 潮州 口味 一些 包括 海鲜 以及 清汤

Hearty meat dishes and appetising noodles are a part of Hokkien meals while Teochew dishes include lighter items such as steamed seafood , comforting porridge and clear soups . (eng)

102305 Roti 面包 prata 扁平 意思 尽管 有着 面包 名字 其实 更加 接近 煎饼 香味 奇妙 口感 成为 人们 早餐 选择

Roti means “bread”, and prata means “flat”, but it is actually closer to a pancake with a lightly flavoured and subtle sweet dough that makes for a gratifying meal, especially in the mornings. (eng)

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