10 Results for: (Concept:00700884-a)
10076 She had a considerable sum of money -- not less than 1000 pounds a year -- and this she bequeathed to Dr. Roylott entirely while we resided with him , with a provision that a certain annual sum should be allowed to each of us in the event of our marriage .
60835 The design must fit standard formulae , but there is a certain degree of leeway .
61219 If links are made with certain segments of the bureaucracy and Diet members who are beholden to special interests , one could see a rebuilding of " special interest triangles " involving politicians , bureaucrats , and business elements .
61220 Certainly there are many factors that will entail a certain amount of " pain , " but we must not allow these reforms to end up just as reforms to benefit certain special interests .
61220 Certainly there are many factors that will entail a certain amount of " pain , " but we must not allow these reforms to end up just as reforms to benefit certain special interests .
61730 While we would rather not get into the true meaning of " liberal , " its definition has changed with the times and , by now , it has been given a certain distinct image as a political term in Europe and the US .
61952 When the City_of_Kobe called for volunteers with certain expertise , an astonishing number of people responded from all over Japan .
100969 Cable skiing and cable wakeboarding offers certain advantages , such as zero boat rental .
102062 While quiet , the place exudes a certain element of character , with a blue and white colour scheme that subtly brings out the vastness of its space .
102492 To accommodate to local tastes , certain stalls also offer Laksa ( Peranakan spicy soup ) or curry options .

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