10 Results for: (Concept:00691516-v)
11069 名字 海伦·斯托纳 继父 在一起 萨里郡 西部 边界 斯托克莫兰 罗伊洛特 家族 英国 古老 撒克逊 家族 之一 最后 生存者

If you take me , Hilton , you will take a woman who has nothing that she need be personally ashamed of , but you will have to be content with my word for it , and to allow me to be silent as to all that passed up to the time when I became yours . (eng)

61083 为了 保存 居住 圣保罗 日裔 巴西人 博物学家 桥本 梧郎 六十 收集 作为 个人 收藏 堪称 世界 第一 十五万 植物 标本 日本 巴西 有关 人员 着手 当地 建设 标本馆

Goro_Hashimoto , a Japanese-Brazilian naturalist living in Sao_Paulo , has accumulated over sixty years the world 's largest private botanical collection comprising approximately 150,000 samples ; those concerned in Japan and Brazil started a movement in Brazil to build a museum for the collection . (eng)

61362 40余 水俣病 痛切 体验 日本 积累 起来 有机 自然 环境 人体 影响 调查 分析 技术 水准 堪称 世界 第一

Based on the very painful experience of the Minamata_Disease over forty some years , it can be said that the level of technology developed by Japan for analyzing the effects of organic mercury on the natural environment and the human body is the highest in the world . (eng)

100164 作为 休闲 旅游业 备受 推崇 佳境 新加坡 堪称 欢迎 度假 理想 不胜枚举 风景 名胜 在此 吸引 游客 前来 究竟 愉悦 旅游 体验 满意

A highly regarded location in the leisure sector , Singapore is a popular holiday destination that offers a myriad of attractions and locations to explore and discover , for an enjoyable travel experience . (eng)

100193 搭配 莫过于 米饭 虾酱 叁岜 通菜 这样 芬芳四溢 美食 搭配 堪称 美味 绝配

The dish is best eaten with a bowl of steamed rice, chincalok egg (fermented shrimp omelette) and sambal kangkong (water spinach); a truly heady combination if ever there was one. (eng)

100371 乳香 四溢 珍多冰 堪称 东南亚 美食 精粹

101126 虽然 选择 点心 可能 不如 其他 餐厅 丰富 多样 这里 叉烧包 萝卜糕 腌肉 实在 堪称 完美

While its Dim_Sum variety here may not be quite as large as other places , the steamed barbecued pork buns and carrot cake with preserved meat are all prepared to perfection . (eng)

101223 柔软 面条 弹牙 海鲜 堪称 完美 搭配

101270 il Lido 餐厅 本地 餐饮 赫赫有名 Beppe De Vito 执掌 堪称 新加坡 代表性 餐厅 休闲 酒吧

Helmed by Beppe_De_Vito , a well-known face in the local food and beverage industry , Il_Lido is Singapore 's iconic Italian restaurant and lounge bar . (eng)

101309 乒乓球 看起来 非常 容易 毕竟 只是 击打 4 厘米 直径 赛璐珞 运动 而已 堪称 紧张 激烈 运动

Ping pong seems like an easy peasy sports ( after all it 's merely about hitting a celluloid ball with a diameter of 4cm ) but it 's quite possibly one of the most strenuous and fast paced racket based sports around with insane smashes rocketing up to 112 km / h . (eng)

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