9 Results for: (Concept:00674270-a)
60186 They drink from a large cup made by slashing live bamboo , and filled with home-made spirits .
100528 The homemade chilli sauce here is also excellent , made with lime juice instead of vinegar for that extra kick .
100646 Their homemade carrot cake is steamed on site , then fried with egg till crisp on the outside and soft on the inside .
101340 The homemade chilli sauce and ginger are also excellent accompaniments to this fragrant dish .
101341 Other great dishes here include the Hainanese pork chop and homemade tofu ( beancurd ) .
102461 When you need a break , stop for a meal upstairs at Food_Republic and select from a range of local favourites , or head downstairs to Swiss eatery Marche to enjoy a superb selection of salads , homemade pastas , rostis , rotisserie chicken , traditional Swiss breads , tarts and more .
102519 From spicy sayur lodeh ( vegetable soup ) and the popular beef rendang to Oxtail soup , every special home-cooked recipe can be found here , along with a generous portion of steamed rice .
103095 And while you 're indulging yourself , also relish the restaurant 's popular hot homemade almond cream with sesame dumpling dessert .
103264 Order items from the ala carte menu that truly stand out from delectable antipasto such as spider crab , foie gras and pecorino , to home-made pasta and risotto dishes .

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