4 Results for: (Concept:00674270-a)
100098 菜肴 制备 志愿者 帮助 完成 私房 烹饪 技艺 保证 菜肴 健康 品质

Volunteers help to prepare these dishes , which possess the gratifying quality of wholesome homestyle cooking . (eng)

101129 沉迷 其中 品味 餐厅 欢迎 私房 甜点 —— 杏仁 芝麻

And while you 're indulging yourself , also relish the restaurant 's popular hot homemade almond cream with sesame dumpling dessert . (eng)

102199 猪肉 盛行 欧亚 地区 私房 美味 如今 添加 罗望子 芬芳 美味 猪肉 咖喱 菜肴 再度 成为 食客 美食 首选

Babi_Assam , a well-known dish among home cooks in the Eurasian community , possesses the distinct flavour of tamarind , which makes this spiced pork curry dish a hot favourite among patrons . (eng)

103089 辛辣 叁巴 乌当 蔬菜 广 喜爱 仁当 牛肉 特色 私房 菜肴 这里 一应俱全 米饭 分量 相当

From spicy sayur lodeh ( vegetable soup ) and the popular beef rendang to Oxtail soup , every special home-cooked recipe can be found here , along with a generous portion of steamed rice . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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