3 Results for: (Concept:00670418-a)
61363 担负 解决 水俣病 患者 认定 补偿 问题 进行 对外 合作 也许 但是 为了 救济 中毒 防止 扩大 日本 流行 病学 调查 医疗 经验 一定 发挥 作用

While some may have mixed feelings about such collaborations abroad when patient identification and compensation issues concerning the Minamata_Disease are still unresolved at home , Japan 's experience in epidemiological surveys and medical care must be made available at all costs to cure mercury poisoning and to keep it from spreading . (eng)

61390 也许 原告 被告 原因 其中 律师 担负 很多 诉讼案 致使 辩论 日期 间隔 拉长 准备 不足 例子

It could be circumstances where the plaintiff or defendant , or in some cases the lawyers , may be inundated with so many cases that they need a long time in between the oral proceedings or they do not have time for sufficient preparation . (eng)

61416 这个 担负 国民 期待 政权 成立 而且 首相 自身 渎职 嫌疑 诱因 垮台 国民 预料

No one in Italy could have anticipated for this administration that captured so much of the people 's hope to collapse after merely seven months from its inauguration , with the corruption charges against the Prime_Minister himself acting as the catalyst . (eng)

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