9 Results for: (Concept:00661640-a)
101708 The only difference is that Kuih_Bom often contains shredded sweetened coconut , as well as the occasional green or red bean paste .
101773 A favourite on the Hokkien menu is the fried hokkien mee a tasty dish created with a rich mixture of wheat flour noodles and rice vermicelli fried with garlic , prawns , pork , sliced squid , bean sprouts , eggs , and Chinese chives .
101775 Another much-loved dish is popiah or spring rolls , which are rolled crepes filled with shredded Chinese turnips , bamboo shoots , bean sprouts , prawns , eggs and Chinese sausage , seasoned with garlic , chilli paste , and sweet bean sauce .
102379 Filled with shredded fish , sliced pork belly , bean sprouts , crunchy fried batter bits , and crispy Ngo_Hiang ( fried meat roll ) , the Lor_Mee here is chocked full of ingredients .
102379 Filled with shredded fish , sliced pork belly , bean sprouts , crunchy fried batter bits , and crispy Ngo_Hiang ( fried meat roll ) , the Lor_Mee here is chocked full of ingredients .
102684 This meal usually consists of Malay dishes such as rending ( braised meat ) , ketupat ( rice cake ) , sambal goreng ( fried chilli paste with meat , prawns and long beans ) and serunding ( shredded coconut fried with spices ) , or bubur ( congee ) from the mosque , which has an aromatic flavour .
103094 A dish that has won over even the most selective of diners is the sautéed sliced ostrich with honey black pepper sauce .
103609 One rojak variation is adapted from Malay and Chinese cuisines , which is a veritable toss of beansprouts , greens , tau pok ( or deep-fried soybean cake ) , you tiao ( a crispy long strip of fried flour ) pineapple , cucumber , and a generous sprinkle of finely chopped roasted peanuts well-tossed ( which gives it ample texture and a lovely crunchy bite ) with a spicy fermented prawn paste sauce .
104305 With ingredients such as Ngo_Hiang ( fried meat roll ) , Lor_Bak ( braised meat ) , pork belly and essential condiments such as vinegar and chopped garlic , the flavours of the Lor_Mee here are perfectly balanced .

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