2 Results for: (Concept:00661640-a)
100027 想要 品尝 美食 我们 建议 移步 顶楼 大食代 Food Republic 那里 鸡饭 马来西亚 色拉 水果 可口 国际 当地 风味 佳肴 应有尽有

When you need a break , stop for a meal upstairs at Food_Republic and select from a range of local favourites , or head downstairs to Swiss eatery Marche to enjoy a superb selection of salads , homemade pastas , rostis , rotisserie chicken , traditional Swiss breads , tarts and more . (eng)

102287 其中 罗惹 沙拉 马来 中国 混合 产物 花生 形成 完美 口感 酥脆 口感 豆芽 绿叶 蔬菜 油条 菠萝 黄瓜 混合 发酵 虾酱

One rojak variation is adapted from Malay and Chinese cuisines , which is a veritable toss of beansprouts , greens , tau pok ( or deep-fried soybean cake ) , you tiao ( a crispy long strip of fried flour ) pineapple , cucumber , and a generous sprinkle of finely chopped roasted peanuts well-tossed ( which gives it ample texture and a lovely crunchy bite ) with a spicy fermented prawn paste sauce . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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