10 Results for: (Concept:00649892-a)
61229 检查员 任务 重新 评价 联合国 总部 以及 机构 运营 活动 大处 高处 提出 改革 建议

The job of an UN_Inspector is to review the operations and activities of the United_Nations_Headquarters and various UN bodies and , from a broad perspective , to provide suggestions for changes and reforms . (eng)

61232 联合国 四分之一 世纪 丰富 经验 得到 评价

His current appointment was made in recognition of his abundant experience with the United_Nations over a quarter of a century . (eng)

61306 他们 之中 多数 虽然 评价 反对 斗争 意义 现在 肯定 理解 日韩 邦交 正常化 成果

While they still think the anti-Treaty demonstrations as having a point , many of them now are taking the outcome of the normalization of diplomatic relations between the two countries in a positive light . (eng)

61308 但是 韩国 日韩 邦交 正常化 历史 评价 应该 听任 韩国 人民 决定

However , the historical assessment of South_Korea after the normalization of ties should be left up to South_Koreans . (eng)

61359 环境厅 [ 国立 水俣病 研究 中心 根据 日本 巴西 科学 技术 合作 协定 [ 里约 大学 共同 主办 会议 给予 积极 评价

We applaud that the National_Institute_for_Minamata_Disease_of_the_Environment_Agency hosted this conference together with the University_of_Rio de Janeiro in accordance with the Japan-Brazil_Science and Technology_Cooperation_Agreement . (eng)

61451 新进党 成立 在野党 形成 巨大 框架 给予 相应 评价 但是 参加 成立 新党 党派 之间 政治 理念 不同 政策 差异 丝毫 没有 解除 这些 问题 情况 在一起 为了 适应 选区 制度 存活 优先 进行 凑数

While we appreciate that the opposition now has a larger framework with the formation of the New_Frontier_Party , the differences in political beliefs or agenda among the various parties that joined to form the new party were tucked away without being resolved and the number crunching to simply ensure their survival by addressing the single-seat constituency was made a priority . (eng)

61510 意义 大纲 方针 作为 使 地方 分权 向前 迈进 可以 给予 积极 评价

From that perspective , we give credit to the policy outline this time as one step forward for decentralization . (eng)

61583 欢迎 美国 北朝鲜 努力 同时 高度 评价 合作 体制

In addition to welcoming the effort of the US and North_Korea , we applaud the cooperative framework among the three countries , namely , Japan , the US and South_Korea . (eng)

61643 美国 媒体 评价 理所当然

It is no wonder that the American media did not give him a good mark . (eng)

61731 复杂 现状 西欧 美国 用法 不同 西欧 社民 保守 之间 巩固 地位 美国 民主党 先前 中间 选举 大败 使 自由主义 评价

To further complicate the matter , the word is used differently in Western_Europe and the US ; while the liberals have established a firm foothold between Social_Democrats and Conservatives in Western_Europe , liberals have dubious reputation at the moment in the US due to the Democratic_Party 's crushing defeat at the latest midterm election . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>