8 Results for: (Concept:00627091-v)
11309 I could read in them a set purpose to devote his life to this quest until the client whom he had failed to save should at last be avenged .
18904 Then I began to think of Holmes 's own methods and to try to practise them in reading this tragedy .
46885 Baskerville sat for a long time , his eyes fixed upon it , and I read upon his eager face how much it meant to him , this first sight of that strange spot where the men of his blood had held sway so long and left their mark so deep .
47107 He spoke with a smile , but I seemed to read in his eyes that he took the matter more seriously .
47858 It may have been that Barrymore had some private signal which we had neglected to give , or the fellow may have had some other reason for thinking that all was not well , but I could read his fears upon his wicked face .
55683 As he glanced down the advertisement column , with his head thrust forward , and the paper flattened out upon his knee , I took a good look at the man , and endeavoured after the fashion of my companion to read the indications which might be presented by his dress or appearance .
55699 ' I wo n't insult your intelligence by telling you how I read that , especially as , rather against the strict rules of your order , you use an arc and compass breastpin . '
60487 The master players intensely scrutinize every move and every game , reading their opponent .

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