6 Results for: (Concept:00626428-v)
10472 出来 这样 A.ELRI.ES

" Do you know , Watson , " said Holmes as we sat together in the gathering darkness , " I have really some scruples as to taking you to-night . (eng)

60657 司法 进修生 进修 违法 嫌疑 审讯 甚至 刑事 判决 宣读 前言 问题 最高 法院 [ 司法 研修 决定 截止到 三十一日 法院 检察厅 律师 事务所 发出 妥当 通知

On the problem that a legal apprentice had investigated criminal suspects and made opening statements in criminal suits , which might be regarded as a violation of law , the Legal_Research and Training_Institute_of_the_Supreme_Court decided by December 31 to notify , " it was not appropriate , " to courts , prosecutors offices , and bar associations . (eng)

60735 朋友 环绕 宣读 誓言 照下 盛装 纪念 照片

They exchanged vows surrounded by friends and had their wedding portrait taken . (eng)

61064 今后 即使 检察官 提出 要求 实习生 朗读 开头 陈述 请求 应允 应当 彻底 贯彻

It aims to ensure that in future no request from the prosecution side to have their judicial apprentices read out opening statements should be granted . (eng)

61066 至今 判明 [ 盛冈 地方 法院 例子 检察官 法官 提出 允许 实习生 朗读 开头 陈述 要求 法官 征求 被告方 律师 同意 予以 许可

At Morioka_District_Court , in one of the cases brought to light , it appears that the prosecutor requested the judge to allow delivery of the opening statement by a judicial apprentice and the judge granted that request with consent from the defendant and the defense counsel . (eng)

101194 这个 公共 假日 男性 穆斯林 聚集 清真寺 进行 祈祷 以及 自省 训诫 宣读

During this public holiday , male volunteers congregate in the mosques to offer their prayers and reflect upon the sermons that are read out . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>