2 Results for: (Concept:00622354-a)
60224 贝卢斯哥尼 首相 辞职 引发 意大利 政治 危机 肯定 延续 明年 不过 推举 迪皮埃特罗 检察官 首相 组织 已经 宣布 成立 检察官 抗议 围绕 查处 政治 腐败 政治 压力

It has become sure that the political crisis in Italy , sparked by the resignation of Prime_Minister_Berlusconi , will extend well into next year , while in another political move , a committee has been formed to push into the Prime_Minister post the former Prosecutor_DiPietro , who had resigned to protest " political pressure " regarding the corruption investigation . (eng)

61842 自民党 失去 政权 因为 腐败 不断 骄傲 国民 认为 自民党 反省 夺回 政权 第一 条件

" The fall of the Liberal_Democratic_Party from power was the result of continuing corruption scandals and its arrogance , and the first prerequisite for them to return to power is to have the public accept the fact that ' the LDP is remorseful . ' " (eng)

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