10 Results for: (Concept:00602805-v)
61551 To become a medical practitioner , it is a nonbinding target to go through two or more years of clinical training after having completed medical education and passed the national examination for the physicians ' license .
61553 However , as internship is mandatory , the substance of training at the various hospitals is not consistent from one hospital to another .
61554 Some interns receive training in just one department and can not gain the wide range of skills that are helpful in real practice .
61555 In some extreme cases , as interns ' monthly pay is no more than tens of thousands of yen , thus forcing them to work in part-time jobs elsewhere to earn money instead of putting in adequate hours for training .
61556 Under these circumstances , the Clinical_Training_Subcommittees in the Council for those Engaged in Medical_Services have prepared a report saying , " it is desirable to make clinical training mandatory and to improve the substance of training . "
61556 Under these circumstances , the Clinical_Training_Subcommittees in the Council for those Engaged in Medical_Services have prepared a report saying , " it is desirable to make clinical training mandatory and to improve the substance of training . "
61557 After consulting widely with related parties , the subcommittee will further discuss the substance of training if clinical training of approximately two years becomes mandatory , the training facilities , the training structure , certification after completion of training , and improvement of the pay received by interns , and write up its conclusive findings within this year .
61557 After consulting widely with related parties , the subcommittee will further discuss the substance of training if clinical training of approximately two years becomes mandatory , the training facilities , the training structure , certification after completion of training , and improvement of the pay received by interns , and write up its conclusive findings within this year .
61563 While the health ministry asked for the implementation of clinical training based on the training program starting this year , less than 50 percent of university hospitals have actually developed the program .
61564 The system to train interns in both internal medicine and surgery , or to provide comprehensive training including training in pediatrics and the emergency department in addition to the foregoing two areas , has been implemented by only a limited number of hospitals .

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>