3 Results for: (Concept:00601822-v)
512 成长 农奴主 家庭 进入 社会 当时 所有 年青人 一样 信奉 诸如 命令 秩序 叱责 惩罚 必要性

100293 寺庙 采纳 唐代 建筑 风格 元素 结合 佛教 曼荼罗 坛场 设计 风格 恢弘 一望即出

Its grand design is based on the elements and history of Tang_Dynasty and the Buddhist_Mandala , the latter which is a representation of the Buddhist universe . (eng)

103020 新加坡 华人 主要 信奉 大乘 佛教 佛教徒 大多数

The Buddhist community in Singapore is made up of various sectors , each of them offering variant ways of celebrating the occasion The_Mahayana or " Greater Way " constitutes mainly Chinese Singaporeans and form the majority of Buddhists here , and the Mahayana strain of Buddhism arrived on these shores in 1884 through individual missionaries from China 's southern province . (eng)

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