9 Results for: (Concept:00583246-n)
498 其中 之一 来自 不同 版本 许可证 行业 秘密 商业 利益 法律 限制

597 这个 巨大 差异 总是 引发 尴尬 问题 无论 对于 项目 整个 行业 甩掉 能力 50% 好些

61182 这些 行业 特征 容易 受到 外来 压力 而且 政治 发言 影响力

These sectors have the characteristics of which they are relatively less susceptible to foreign pressure and also carry considerable political weight . (eng)

61183 而且 铁三角形 这些 行业 逐渐 扩大

Furthermore , the iron triangle of politicians , bureaucrats and businesses proliferated within these sectors . (eng)

61209 小仓 影响力 不久 产生 庞大 产业 同时 引发 重新 研究 限制 行业 事业 讨论

The stir which Mr._Ogura made eventually gave rise to a large new industry , and at the same time it kindled discussions that led to taking a new look at ways in which the " Enterprises Law " regulated various branches of business and industry . (eng)

61218 仅仅 口头 空喊 缓和 限制 时代 如果 步入 具体化 阶段 行业 表现 反对 消极 态度

If we reach the stage where the " loosening of regulations " is no longer just a slogan but is entering a stage of specific action , there will be more examples in the business world of parties who show a passive attitude or even outright opposition . (eng)

61503 打破 支撑 中央 集权 行业 三角 关系

Decentralization also means it will destroy the triangle of politicians , bureaucrats and big business that support the centralization of power . (eng)

61709 此外 如果 基本 工资高 龙头 行业 工会 控制 可能 成为 劳方 加薪 成功 免罪符

In addition , if the industrial trade unions , which have a high basic pay and are the pacesetters for wage hikes , are contained , then it may lead to labor 's indulgence towards employers . (eng)

61710 进而 因为 联盟 方面 强调 行业 劳资 自行 决定 增加 春季 劳资 斗争 复杂性

Moreover , Rengo is strongly promoting the independent agreement between the labor and the management in each industry , which is increasing the complexity of the spring offensive . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>