3 Results for: (Concept:00560247-v)
61281 而且 美国 单独 决定 计划 其后 资金 总统 直接 日本 要求 资金 援助 科学 工作者 主导 国际 工程

Further , one could hardly call it an international project lead by scientists as the US had decided on the plan on its own , and none other than the President himself called on Japan for the money when the funds became short . (eng)

61392 现在 法官 人数 2000 包括 简易 法院 审判员 在内 3000

At present , the number of judges is approximately 2,000 , or less than 3,000 including summary court judges . (eng)

61393 40 相比 只不过 增加 1.3

The number of judges has increased by less than 30 percent over the past 40 years . (eng)

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