7 Results for: (Concept:00552089-a)
61221 通过 实现 缓和 限制 争取 实现 贯彻 自我 负责 原则 经济 社会

By putting deregulation measures into practice , we will advance toward an " economic society " that is imbued with the principle of self-responsibility . (eng)

61561 但是 并不 那么 容易 实现

But it is not something that can be done easily . (eng)

61838 此外 公开 承诺 医疗 保险 改革 逼入 难以 实现 状态

Additionally , the welfare reform that had been formally promised was pushed into a situation where it has become difficult to realize . (eng)

61985 虽然 预测 地震 极限 但是 实现 好处

While there is a limitation to earthquake predictions , the benefit is enormous if it becomes feasible . (eng)

62012 地震 活动 稳定期 日本 完成 高度 发展

Japan achieved high growth during the quiet period of the earthquakes after the end of World_War_II . (eng)

62023 首相 演说 通常 省厅 提出 草稿 加进 首相 意见 完成 甚至 没有 充分 进行 草稿 取舍 选择 甚至 感觉 原封不动 漫无 边际 连词 连接 起来

Although Prime_Minister 's speeches are customarily prepared by incorporating his intent into the drafts submitted by the various ministries and agencies , we got the impression that even the editing of drafts was not sufficiently done and they were patched together with conjunctions without much thought . (eng)

62032 上次 首相 雄辩 没有 什么 时候 现在 这样 需要 我们 彻底 消除 政治 腐败 勾结 体制 造成 国民 政治 不信任 以及 建立 真正 代表 国民 利益 健全 政党 政治 然而 乏味 力图 实现 充分 体现 选举 制度 宗旨 政党 为主 政治 彻底 防止 腐败

Where Mr._Murayama had been eloquent in his last speech remarking that " efforts to dispel the public distrust in politics caused by corruption , collusive structure of the government , bureaucrats and industry and other related problems and to establish sound party politics that will truly speak for the benefit of the people are needed now more than ever , " in this speech he was curt , and said that his government would " realize the party-oriented politics making the most of the intent of the new electoral system and to ensure the total ban of corruption . " (eng)

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