9 Results for: (Concept:00516539-a)
11002 粗略 翻阅 一下 这些 案例 记录 发现 许多 案例 悲剧性 一些 喜剧性 其中 部分 仅仅 离奇 古怪 而已 但是 没有 平淡 无奇

Holmes had been seated for some hours in silence with his long , thin back curved over a chemical vessel in which he was brewing a particularly malodorous product . (eng)

11346 邸宅 灰色 石头砌 石壁 布满 青苔 中央 部分 高高 矗立 弧形 边房 蟹钳 延伸

" So it would seem , " said Holmes . (eng) " Perhaps you can account also for the bullet which has so obviously struck the edge of the window ? " (eng)

11347 窗子 已经 破碎 木板 堵着 房顶 部分 坍陷 完全 荒废 残破 景象

He had turned suddenly , and his long , thin finger was pointing to a hole which had been drilled right through the lower window- sash , about an inch above the bottom . (eng)

11348 房子 中央 部分 年久失修

" By George ! " cried the inspector . (eng) " How ever did you see that ? " (eng)

11350 靠山 一些 脚手架 石头 部分 已经 凿通 但是 我们 到达 那里 见到 工人 迹象

" Wonderful ! " said the country doctor . (eng) " You are certainly right , sir . (eng)

61944 虽然 部分 开始 实施 优先 救护 救援 车辆 通行 措施 不够

Some preferential treatment of the vehicles for the rescue and relief purposes has been implemented , but it has not reached the point where it is sufficient . (eng)

62019 由于 开头 部分 加上 地震 对策 全文 15000

The speech consisted of 15,000 characters partly because mention of the earthquake measures was inserted at the beginning . (eng)

102400 第一 年历 精美 古董 分别 来自 缅甸 泰国 柬埔寨 老挝 部分 藏品 甚至 将近 2000 历史

The first is the fabulous antique items with pieces from Burma , Thailand , Cambodia , Laos , India and other Asian countries . (eng) Most are hundreds of years old and some date back to nearly 2,000 years ago . (eng)

103077 作为 新加坡 零售 生活 方式 目的地 怡丰城 新加坡 购物 天堂 引人注目 重要 部分

As Singapore 's largest retail and lifestyle destination , VivoCity is an imposing part of the country 's plethora of shopping options . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>