10 Results for: (Concept:00495663-r)
626 进而 打算 提出 关于 软件 宽泛 经验 或许 事关 创新 专业 工作

61246 而且 由于 分配 日本 人员 名额 普遍 同时 意味 只有 这些 机会

However , the circumstance that the number of Japanese employees is much less than allotted quotas also means that chances for employment in international organizations are more available than would otherwise be the case . (eng)

100014 作为 购物 中心 著名 商户 Forever 21 占据 超过 空间 布满 流行 时髦 设计 精品 广 爱好 时尚 女性 购物 青睐

Spread over a sprawling four storeys , ladies will enjoy the trendy and varied designs available at Forever 21 's flagship store , meeting the guys later at Cotton_On to shop for basics , or Zara for designs from contemporary European designers . (eng)

100216 广 当地 喜欢 配料 墨鱼 皮蛋

Additional items include cuttlefish and century eggs, which are popular with locals. (eng)

100573 其它 广 欢迎 饭食 面食 包括 牛肉 咸鱼

Other favourite rice and noodle dishes include crispy noodles with beef and fried rice with salted fish . (eng)

100659 关于 屠妖节 起源 众说纷纭 广 流行 传说 讲述 纳拉卡苏拉 Narakasura 如何 千方百计 赢得 上帝 垂爱 最终 成为 王国 统治者

While there are various legends that inspire this festival , the common tale is about how Narakasura won the favor of God and was blessed with the rule of a kingdom . (eng)

100914 如果 希望 乘坐 廉价 航班 可以 考虑 亚洲 航空 ( AirAsia ) 航空 公司 凭借 低廉 航线 费用 全球 广 认同

If it 's budget flights you 're looking for , check out AirAsia , also known as the world 's best low-cost airline , which flies to Singapore from Australia , China , Hong_Kong , India , Macau , the Philippines , the United_Kingdom and the United_Arab_Emirates . (eng)

101172 2004 开业 以来 Hanabi 焰火 日式 餐厅 凭借 菜品 广泛 价格 实惠 点菜 自助餐 发展 广 欢迎 家族 餐厅

Since its opening in 2004, Hanabi (meaning “fireworks”) Japanese Restaurant has since evolved into a popular family restaurant known for its extensive and affordable ala-carte buffet. (eng)

101280 各色 点心 同样 广 欢迎 蛋挞 萝卜糕 鱼片 云吞 美食 御宝 餐馆 可谓 享用 周日 午餐 绝佳 去处

Also known for their extensive dim sum menu , which includes treats such as baked egg tarts , pan-fried carrot cake , sliced fish congee and Wonton_Mee , Imperial_Treasure_Cantonese_Cuisine is a great place for Sunday brunch . (eng)

101419 咖椰 土司 新加坡 广 喜爱 早餐 小吃 拉茶 甜味 奶茶 好立克 美禄 各种 饮料 搭配

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>