8 Results for: (Concept:00491089-a)
11400 非常 奇怪 " 福尔摩斯 铃绳 喃喃 房间 十分 特别 地方

" I have no desire to make mysteries , but it is impossible at the moment of action to enter into long and complex explanations . (eng)

11400 非常 奇怪 " 福尔摩斯 铃绳 喃喃 房间 十分 特别 地方

" I have no desire to make mysteries , but it is impossible at the moment of action to enter into long and complex explanations . (eng)

11499 注意 什么 非常 特别 地方

A man was striding up the path which led to the door . (eng) He was a tall , handsome , swarthy fellow , clad in a suit of gray flannel , with a Panama hat , a bristling black beard , and a great , aggressive hooked nose , and flourishing a cane as he walked . (eng)

61599 估计 北朝鲜 答应 特别 核查 因此 认为 如果 协议 实施 发生 困难 日本 没有 必要 提供 资金

From the perspective that North_Korea would refuse special inspections , some say Japan will no longer have to offer funds when the execution of the agreement turns out to be difficult . (eng)

100159 餐厅 提供 各种 当代 法国 菜肴 周五 周日 推出 特别 品尝 菜单 以及 自助餐

With a menu of contemporary French dishes , Au_Jardin by Les_Amis features a degustation menu as well as a semi-buffet brunch on Fridays and Sundays . (eng)

101249 可以 观看 表演 只是 不要 第一 —— 那是 特殊 客人

Everyone is welcome to watch the show as long as you don’t sit at the front row, which is reserved for the “special guests”. (eng)

102267 不论 新加坡 何处 几乎 无疑 能够 找到 餐馆 自己 左右 原因 当地 饮食 有着 特殊 爱好

Wherever you go in Singapore , you 'll most certainly be able to find an eatery , as the locals simply love eating . (eng)

102280 此外 欣赏 60 年代 流行 歌曲 主旋律 特别 演唱会

A special concert featuring popular Chinese pop songs from the 60s will also be held. (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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