5 Results for: (Concept:00478634-r)
10386 外面 花坛 一直 延伸 书房 窗前

" Indeed , it seemed unnecessary to put so nice a bell-pull there . (eng)

60257 其中 原因 因为 台湾 没有 认可 中国 直接 通航 一百几十万 台湾人 经由 香港 中国

The main reason is that as many as a_million and a few hundred thousand Taiwanese go to China through Hong_Kong every year , because the Taiwanese government does not permit direct flights to China . (eng)

60261 如果 需要 经由 香港 香港 打击 但是 之间 出现 财源

If they did not have to go through Hong_Kong , which would be a blow to it , the Taiwan-China route would be a new gold mine . (eng)

101403 可以 挥杆 击球 进入 Zoysia 一直 延伸 裕廊 Jurong Lake 球道

You can swing into widened fairways moulded with Zoysia grass running into the Jurong_Lake that provides a smooth playing surface . (eng)

102005 开始 太空舱 绳索 固定 然后 一下 弹射 一直 飙升 城市 天际 线 高度 充分 体验 肾上腺素 带来 惊险 刺激

You start tethered to the ground , in your capsule and voila you are unleashed , soaring into the city 's skyline with a thrilling surge of pure adrenaline . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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