10 Results for: (Concept:00455599-n)
60466 Kimura , aroused by the up-and-coming players nipping at his heels , fought his way to a rematch with Tsukada the following year in 1949 and reclaimed the title in the last game at the Saineikan_Hall_of_the_Imperial_Palace .
60471 Masuda was a king of a game , who attained the ninth level and was the first to hold three different titles .
60487 The master players intensely scrutinize every move and every game , reading their opponent .
60488 Here we have reproduced the scenes of the final games of Meijin tournaments following the seven-game match of the 36th tournament , from the point of view of someone witnessing the action and detailing " each rewarding move and game " .
60489 The fourth game of the 37th tournament .
60490 Going into the game , the challenger , Kunio_Yonenaga is leading with two wins and one loss .
60495 The eighth game of the 40th tournament .
60496 This was the scene of the last game of the match against Meijin_Nakahara , tied with three wins , three losses , one " jishogi " impasse and two " sennichite " draws .
60499 According to Kato , " I advanced , thinking there was nothing else to do but play a sportsmanlike game . Nakahara must have known . The instant I made the move the game was up . "
60499 According to Kato , " I advanced , thinking there was nothing else to do but play a sportsmanlike game . Nakahara must have known . The instant I made the move the game was up . "

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